Friday, September 21, 2012

Fall Wreath

Here is a project that I finished about a week ago.  I have to admit, the first part, where you have to cover the wreath with yarn, it was so tedious but I'm happy with my final result.

 Materials Needed:
  • Packaged Hay Wreath (You can find these at any craft store.  It's important to keep the plastic on the wreath, this will make it easier to cover with yarn.)
  • Yarn (Color of your choosing)
  • Felt (2-3 sheets per color)
  • Ribbon for hanging
  • Scissors
  • Hot Glue Gun
First step is to take the yarn and wrap it around your wreath.  It's important to be concise and a little perfect when you do it or else it won't look right.  It's also important as you go, to try and cover the hay that may be sticking out.  Try to push those pieces down as much as you can to cover, or else they will stick out when you are finished.

After your wreath is covered, it's time to cut the flowers.  I used this tutorial to help make my flowers.  They were so simple!  I obviously did different sized flowers so I just found different sized cups to make my stencil.

Next step, gluing.  Place the flowers where you want on your wreath, and glue in place.  Final step is making the ribbon and bow.  I chose thick, shiny ribbon but it would look cute with any type of ribbon.

Good luck and let me know if you have any questions!


  1. It turned out way cute! And I agree, wrapping with yarn is really tedious, but on my second wreath I used really thick yarn and it went by a lot quicker! So cute Jamie!

  2. It turned out so cute...way to go!
