Saturday, September 29, 2012

Felt Letters & Draw String Bag

I saw a tutorial on Pinterest here, for DIY Alphabet out of fabric.  I have a TON of felt so I decided to adapt this project, to work for me.  Which is sorta what I do!

I started out with the font that I wanted (I chose the Hobo font, size 250), and printed all of the letters.  Eventually I want to do numbers 1-10 so I printed them as well.

 I cut them out, leaving the inside part (on some letters) to guide me when I cut the felt.

Like I said, I have a lot of felt, but mostly I have a TON of pink.  So I used pink for the back of every letter.  You will need to pieces per letter, totalling 52 pieces.

I used this craft bond spray glue.  It's easy, but make sure you are in a well ventilated area.  Just spray one piece, and attach the two pieces together.


The last step is to take your stencils and cut out your felt pieces.  You could pin them if you want, but it was easier for me not to.  Here is how they turned out...

I felt inspired to make a bag to put them in.  SUPER EASY!  I took a 10x20 piece of felt and folded it in half, to make it a 10x10 bag.  I folded down the top, about an inch, and hot glued them down, put a ribbon through, and then hot glued the sides.  I added little flowers on the front but you could decorate it anyway you want.

TA DA.... DIY Alphabet and draw-string bag.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Personalized growth chart

The other day, I finished my ruler growth chart, and decided to personalize it today.  I went into Microsoft word, found a font that I liked (chunky fonts tend to work better), and put it together to make my stencil. 

 Now there are two ways to do this.

Option 1:
Take your stencil, and tape it onto the board.  If you have a ball tool, you can trace the letters, and it will make a mark on the wood, to be traced when you remove the paper.

Option 2:
This is the option that I chose.  Take an exacto knife, and cut out the letters.  Your stencil can then go directly onto the board.

 I chose to "color" my letters with a sharpie, but any type of paint would do the trick.

Here is the final product....

I love how it turned out!

$7 Halloween wreath

 Can you believe this only cost me $7?

Ok so I went to Target today, and was shocked to find this wreath, & the ghost BOO sign, in the dollar bin!!  I knew I couldn't find basic materials anywhere else for so cheap so I picked them up.  I also found the spider web for $2, and the ribbon on clearance for $3.  STEAL!!!!

The only other material you need is spiderwebs, which I didn't have so I used cotton balls.

I hot glued the "spiderwebs" all over the wreath, attached the spiderweb and BOO sign, and voila, you have a simple DIY Halloween wreath!!!  Only took me a half an hour to put together!

Can you believe we are talking Halloween already?  I sure can't!  Time is moving way too fast...

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Ruler Growth Chart

 I have been wanting to make one of these for such a long time!!!

I started with a 1x8x6 piece of wood from Home Depot.  I wanted a natural look so I got a natural stain, and painted 3 coates.  

I had ordered the vinyl from the Etsy shop, Abbie's House.  Find her vinyl here.  She can custom your vinyl for a specific color, but I went with black.

This was SUPER easy, and now we have an awesome growth chart!  I also want to personalize the growth chart by putting our names, or some cute saying, but I haven't gotten to that yet.

Happy crafting!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Fall Wreath

Here is a project that I finished about a week ago.  I have to admit, the first part, where you have to cover the wreath with yarn, it was so tedious but I'm happy with my final result.

 Materials Needed:
  • Packaged Hay Wreath (You can find these at any craft store.  It's important to keep the plastic on the wreath, this will make it easier to cover with yarn.)
  • Yarn (Color of your choosing)
  • Felt (2-3 sheets per color)
  • Ribbon for hanging
  • Scissors
  • Hot Glue Gun
First step is to take the yarn and wrap it around your wreath.  It's important to be concise and a little perfect when you do it or else it won't look right.  It's also important as you go, to try and cover the hay that may be sticking out.  Try to push those pieces down as much as you can to cover, or else they will stick out when you are finished.

After your wreath is covered, it's time to cut the flowers.  I used this tutorial to help make my flowers.  They were so simple!  I obviously did different sized flowers so I just found different sized cups to make my stencil.

Next step, gluing.  Place the flowers where you want on your wreath, and glue in place.  Final step is making the ribbon and bow.  I chose thick, shiny ribbon but it would look cute with any type of ribbon.

Good luck and let me know if you have any questions!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Welcome to my craft blog!

I can't say that I'm a professional crafter but I do like to craft.  I, of course, am addicted to pinterest so I am always looking for ideas, especially ones that I can adapt to work for me, on a cheaper budget.  I am currently working on a DIY kitchen for my daughter, so far, not using any money, just what I can find around the house.  So I wanted to make some food and have seen some adorable DIY felt food.  I thought, I can make that.  And I did!  It was SO easy!!! 

I ended up with two eggs, one piece of bacon, two pancakes (with syrup and butter), a banana, orange, apple, and pieces of a sandwich, including meat, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, & pickles.

The whole project took just over an hour, including cutting.

Items you will need:

Felt, in variety of colors
Hot glue gun

I didn't use any patterns, I just free formed.  I didn't make them exact circles, or what not, on purpose.  I don't know about you but my food is never in a perfect shape so it makes sense not to have the same for the play food.

I wanted them to be plump so I chose to use the stuffing, but they would be just fine flat also.

Just cut your shapes, then hot glue most of the two pieces together, stuff, and then close it off with more hot glue.  And there you have it!  I am hoping to make more food but this is a good start!